Leonelle Thompson, Director of Career & Professional Development at Langston University, sat down for a thought provoking interview with the Me in 3 Team to talk about the struggles that recent …
PhD in Organizational Psychology Becomes Key Investor
1/19/2021 - Sometimes, we get an investment that stands out and means more than the financial addition to our capital. We recently received an investment of $35,000 from someone who knows and …
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2020 Crowdfunding Update: Looking to the New Year!
1/11/2021 Happy New Year! Ironically, 2020 was a pretty good year for Me in 3. We've reached our our new user and product development goals and acquired a number of new customers. When we …
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Week Two Crowdfunding Update
12/8/2020 - A big thank you to all of our early investors and supporters. We are making great progress on our current round and have raised over $75,000 ($40,000+ through Wefunder and …